Coach/Manager Package 2024
Coach Code of Conduct
Player Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct
Player Medical Form
Criminal Record Check - contact the for further paperwork you will require before going to the RCMP office
TCA Logos
TCA Expense Claim Form
Affinity Credit Union Bank Account Template Letter
TCA Equipment
Face Mask - Protective infield face masks are required for pitchers & athletes playing 1st base & 3rd base in U13 & U15 age groups.
Helmet - Each athlete must have their own helmet with an attached face mask - see image below. (Can be purchased at most athletic stores in Saskatoon)
Cleats - Running shoes may be worn at the U13 age group, however, there is much less traction & may cause the athlete to slip on shale/dirt/grass. Cleats are recommended for all age groups. Metal cleats are now allowed for U15.
Bat – Softball bats are provided by Twin City for the U13, U15, & U17 age groups; many athletes choose to buy their own personal bat. Please have an expert at any athletic store, or your coach help you purchase the correct bat for your athlete. Bats can be expensive, and if the wrong weight or length of bat is selected, it might hinder your athlete instead of helping them. Using another player’s bat is discouraged as bats are expensive and could cause conflict and uncomfortable situations if the bat is accidentally broken by a teammate.
Glove – If purchasing a new glove, it would be a good idea to talk with your coach or have an expert guide you.
Batting gloves – Some athletes prefer to not wear any batting gloves; this is purely optional.
Catcher’s equipment – A set of catcher equipment is provided for the U13, U15, & U17 age groups. If a player chooses to purchase their own equipment, again, it is discouraged to share due to the cost of the equipment & sanitary reasons.
Medical equipment – It is the athlete’s responsibility to bring any and all of their own medical equipment with them, such as inhalers, an EpiPen, insulin, etc. they may require as well as know how to use them.
If you have ANY questions about uniforms or equipment, please don’t hesitate to ask your coach or contact the equipment coordinator.
Purple Socks
Purple belt
Black long sleeve undershirt (compression/athletic style)
Black Pants
**Jersey will be supplied by TCA**